Cultural Appropriation Essay

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There is no excuse for cultural appropriation, it has just become a norm to our society and most people try to ignore it. The idea of cultural appropriation can cause powerful emotional reactions, such as outrage, shock, sadness or even guilt. It is wrong to embrace a cultural trend that has been stigmatized when it was embraced by people of color, but once it becomes a white trend no one has a problem with it. Women of color across the globe were taught by western standards which deemed most of their cultural practices ugly, unprofessional, messy and criminal like. Between March and April of 1992, Canadians witnessed controversy on the pages of ‘The Globe and Mail,’ the problem was cultural appropriation. “Articles, editorials, and letters to the editor considered the propriety of depicting a culture other than one’s own, telling ‘someone else’s story’, and whether it was possible to ‘steal the culture of another’” (Coombe 2015). This argument was extremely intense because of all the emotion behind it. When a dominate group copies certain traditions from a society, it distorts the original meaning making it less valuable. The individuals that adopt these ideas don't normally understand the background/significance, therefore using it in a misleading and oppressive manner. Cultural appropriation is robbing minority groups …show more content…

Media in some cases can become positive to the cause of a social problem and in other aspects it can hurt the movement. Within the past serval years, cultural appropriation has become normalized in the media, whether it be fashion, music, dance etc. it has been looked past constantly. This topic of cultural appropriation has caused a significant problem through social medias such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr Most trends have changed drastically recently, whether it be beauty to

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