Cross Symbol Of Peace Essay

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The Cross Symbol of Peace

There creation is pictured as a garden both beautiful to the eyes and filled with delicious

food (Gen 2:8-9). Adam will work in the garden and it will produce abundant fruit with

minimal toil. The right relationship between God and Adam is seen in God’s generous

provision for Adam, in God’s ongoing care for him, and in his complete obedience to

God’s command (Gen 2:18-25). When the Lord creates a female companion for the man,

the relationship between the two people is also full of peace. They share intimate

fellowship with each other, naked in body and soul, completely without shame

(Gen 2:25). In their lack of shame we also sense the peace that fills their own souls.

Most people …show more content…

David Sustar -page 51


The Cross Symbol of Peace

The New Testament speaks of two kinds of peace, objective peace that has to do

with your relationship to God, and the subjective peace that has to do with your

experience in life. The natural man lacks peace with God. We all come into the world

fighting against God, because we are a part of the rebellion that started with Adam and

Eve. Romans 5:10 says we were enemies of God. We fought against God, and everything

we did militate against His principles. But when we received Jesus Christ, we ceased

being enemies of God, we made a truce with Him. We came over to His side, and the

hostility was ended. Jesus Christ wrote the treaty with the blood of His cross. That treaty,

that bond, that covenant of peace declares the objective fact that we now are at peace

with Him. That 's what Paul means in Ephesians 6:15, when he calls the good news of

salvation, "the preparation of the gospel of peace." This peace is objective, that is, it has

nothing to do with how we feel or what we think. It is an accomplished fact.

Romans 5:1 says, "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace …show more content…


alone brings peace. In fact, in Philippians 4:9, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, and again in

Hebrews 13:20, He is called "the God of peace." The peace that came from God and the

cross of Jesus Christ is something that the world cannot have. It is the security system

God gave to the redeemed to gaud their hearts against contamination cause from lust and

loneliness. T.D. Jakes puts it like this, 1 “Divine peace is one of the greatest security

system you can use to guard your heart. This peace is born out of prayer. It causes you

to trust what you cannot trace. It leads you to rely on the character of God.” When peace

is on guard, the Christian has entered an impregnable citadel from which nothing can

dislodge him. The name of the fortress is Christ, and the guard is peace. The peace of

God stands guard and keeps worry from corroding our hearts, and unworthy thoughts

from tearing up our minds.

God’s peace is tranquility of the soul, a settled, positive peace that affects the

circumstances of life. It is peace that is aggressive; rather than being victimized by

events, it attacks them and gobbles them up. It is a supernatural, permanent, positive,

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