Critique Of Love Essay

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Love, one of the most talk about in the media and the way the media interpret love is a affection the world needs in our everyday lives. Love is heard or seen on television, films, books, music, and even photographs. Love is a popular topic that people today can not get enough of, of course there are times we prefer other things, but love is hard to get away from. Everyone shows their love differently and every relationship that we experience are not all the same. TV is a big part of our everyday lives and we have to attach to the idea of a perfect relationship and we tend to want it every time we watch a romance movies. The perfect images that humans see on TV is not the way people should look to when people need advice on love. After watching an episode of How TV Ruined Your Life, the show mentions a few things on how TV teaches us on love which …show more content…

The show also mention grand gestures when it come to getting your soulmate’s attention or a way to show your love. Lastly, attraction is a way to capture attention and having a love connection. These ideas are potentially harmful to love and loving relationships because the ideas of love that the media portray are a fantasy, it …show more content…

The romance films usually displays the “three components of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment”; it is occasionally in the same order. Another theory that is regularly used is “Lee’s style (or color) of loving” because the media constantly shows “Eros” which is “physical attraction” between two or more people. One other sociological term that is describe in TV shows is consummate love, which is the ultimate understanding and balanced relationship every couple 's aim for. It is not always easy but people to look forward for

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