Creative Writing: Knight's Hill High School

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I awake to my phone's alarm, alerting me that it is time to get ready for school. Winter break is officially over. I groan and roll over snatching the device from the charger while tapping dismiss. It's time to start my day. Ugh, can't wait. I reluctantly get up and fix my bed since company will be coming over later, because my mom will snatch my soul from my body if she sees my room looking like a tornado hit it. My friends actually thinks she is the nicest woman alive which is hard believe. So ridiculous. After my morning routine I throw on some black jeans, my olive green hoodie, and my matching vans for an outfit of the day. Quickly brushing my short black hair I grab my school bag and head downstairs for breakfast. My mom greets me with a smile as she finishes up her pancakes. She puts the plate in the sink, "Wash that out will you?" "Mom," I groan. "I didn't even use the plate." "I ask you to do one thing around here and you can't do it, but for the last …show more content…

Driving to the back of the lot where I usually meet my little group of friends I park alongside Cindy's precious baby buggy. I sit for a few moments just enjoying the heat and listening to my music. Scanning the area I have no view of my friends which is odd since they are always by their cars. Normally I would've panicked thinking they weren't here, that I'd be all alone, but since their vehicles are all in plain sight I have some comfort knowing they're around here somewhere. As I look out from my window my eyes scan the area until I lock eyes with the notorious asshole Elijah Wilson. Don't get me wrong he is very good looking and has the body that any girl would swoon over, but when he opens his mouth I want to rip my ears off to avoid his obnoxious ego. He praises himself has if he were a god. Yet I think of him more as the spawn of Satan but

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