Creative Reflection

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As I look back on this journey as a writer in the Creative Writing department, I find I had high hopes for what I would learn and how it would better improve my skills over all. Over the course of my undergraduate career in the Creative Writing major I have discovered a strong foundation of carefully honed skills in many core elements of the crafts. I can say without a doubt that as I reflect on my progress in this profession I have developed a skill set and a deeper appreciation for the craft of fiction.
While it has been full of many learning milestones and self-discovery, the progress through this major has not been one without a bit of giving and take. Within my classes, I learned a lot about what the core elements of fiction and the crafts that are employed throughout the works we read and write. Choosing to focus on mainly characters and plot, I gained the knowledge to make a reader care—or even be interested in one’s work—you must first go through many drafts and focus on individual elements instead of attempting to bring them all in at the same time. Where many writers—those assigned and those just talked about in class discussions—starter with similar understandings of what it …show more content…

Never have I had small exercises that focused on individual craft elements like ambiguity, syntax, the length of sentences and more been so helpful in finding a style or styles that I lean toward when sitting down to write. Doing so allowed me to set goals for myself and focus on certain elements each time as I revised. I might not have reached at the end of each semester but allowed for me to grow and develop in areas I am already thinking of beforehand. It also helped me learn about different techniques I might not regularly use but could to add elements not already in the

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