Creatine Research Paper

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Creatine is one of the most beneficial substances that aid and help athletes improve performance. Creatine was first discovered back in 1832 when researcher Michel Eugene Chevreul “isolated it from the basified water-extract of skeletal muscle. He later named the crystallized precipitate after the Greek word for meat, κρέας (kreas)” (Creatine Wikipedia). Even though creatine was discovered back then, it was dropped and then picked back up in 1912, when Otto Folin and Willy Glover Denis from Harvard University discovered that creatine supplementation significantly enhances the amount of creatine in our skeletal muscles. Although, creatine has been known for the way it helps us for many years now, it was not commonly known till after the Barcelona …show more content…

In fact, here have been so many studies on it that researchers say “Creatine is in fact one of the most well-researched nutritional supplements on the market” (Creatine 101). Over the last couple of years, Creatine Monohydrate (a form of creatine supplements) has grown to be the top leader that athletes use to enhance their performance. Creatine is commonly taken as a supplement and that's how many people know creatine. However, not many know that our bodies actually create its own creatine within the body. Creatine is found throughout the human body in our muscle cells. It is chemically known as a “...non-protein nitrogen; a compound which contains nitrogen but is not protein pese” (Creatine 101). Our bodies create one to two grams of creatine naturally through our liver, pancreas, and our kidneys from amino acids per day. In addition, we can also find creatine in the many of the meats we eat such as Salmon 225g/8oz 1.5-2.5 g of creatine, beef 225g/8oz 1.5-2.5g of creatine, pork 225g/8oz 1.5-2.5g of creatine, herring 225g/8oz 2-4g of creatine. Many kinds of seafood are also very high in creatine. After receiving the creatine, it is then transferred into creatine phosphate (which is also called phosphocreatine) where it remains in our muscles waiting to be used for energy. Phosphocreatine is typically used as a source of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate). Adenosine triphosphate is the way to store and use energy biochemically in our bodies. To repeat, this means that ATP is the origin of energy in which keeps everything moving in the body. Typically this can be found when doing high-intensity exercise. In our skeletal muscles, you can 95% of our bodies creatine in this kind of creatine phosphate, and its most important objective is to supply an artificial phosphate to produce ATP during intense workouts. A couple prime examples would be sprinting and high-intensity weightlifting. As the studies

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