Cracker Barrel Essay

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1- What was Cracker Barrel's rationale for firing their LGBT employees? Does it make sense from a business perspective? Cracker Barrel wanted to maintain an image of a family restaurant. They believed in order to that they needed to fire all employees that did not fall into what they believed was a traditional American family. In a company statement they state that the company was founded on “traditional American values” and in another statement they explain they were trying to maintain the “perceived values of our customers and their comfort levels”. This policy does not make business sense. It excludes a section of the population, and who decides what are traditional values. Most companies have shown where diversity is helping them grow. Being forward thinking makes more business sense than exclusion …show more content…

What were the disadvantages? Cracker Barrel was trying to give the impression of homeland America, as a hetersexual, family estblishment. Firing gays and lesbians did not show a significant effect to the bottom line at Cracker Barrel. Their profits did not suffer due to their policy but in general I do not see where America supported this policy. If I had to imagine a benefit that came from this policy then it would be that it drew attention to the fact that in most states a person could be fired due to their sexual orientation. In 1991 I would not have known, prior to Cracker Barrel's actions, that a person could be fired due to sexual orientation. I believe this helped to start the process of protecting people in the workplace. The disadvantages to Cracker Barrel were that is did draw negative attention to them. Gay right organizations boycotted Cracker Barrel’s. They were forced to rescind the policy in “some” areas. Some of the shareholders disagreed with this new policy and eventually Cracker Barrel changed their

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