Cosmetology In The 1500's

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Cosmetology has changed drastically from the 1500’s to today by using different products, introducing new hairstyles and introducing new makeup techniques. Cosmetology is the study and practice of beautification (History). The word cosmetology comes from the Roman word “cosmetae” (Merriam-Webster). The word “cosmetae” means woman's valet; slave responsible for the adornment of his mistress (worldofdictionary). It has been said that the first evidence of makeup came from portraits and earrings of kings and priest (History). Starting in Renaissance, women, and men had beauty secrets and things they did to make themselves more attractive. One secret woman used was to cover smallpox scars. Women used “beauty patches” to cover them up (modesmakeup). Also, a big forehead was beautiful during this time, women shaved their widow’s peak because a big forehead was considered beautiful (beautythroughages). It was also said that blonde hair was very beautiful and popular in the 1500’s in Florence, throughout England (beautybiz). Women’s cosmetics were made from very different things than they are today, a mixture of white lead and …show more content…

Today’s beauty consist of a beautiful face, pouty lips, tiny waist (mtlblog). Today’s cosmetic products contain chemicals that can mess with your body (factretriever). In the world, today cosmetology is moving up (thebalance). Cosmetology is a very popular career and will be around for a long time (studymoose). In order to be in the cosmetology life, you have to be in school about 9-15 months (beautyschool). Cosmetology schools usually provide your supplies, but you can bring your own (cosmetolgyschools). No matter where you go, you will probably find a salon or hair shop near you! (vault). You can work virtually anywhere (Hapiland). Most cosmetologists have to have a high-school diploma or GED (beautyschool). Schooling costs around $10,000-$20,000

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