Core Christian Values

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I believe that the single most influential force that sets the tone for individual’s personal values are the individual’s parents or close family members. Growing up homeschooled in a Christian home I never once thought I was any different than anyone else in my small circle of friends and family. We all shared the same values on subjects and often didn’t get to even have other influences that made us think our views were anything to consider out of the ordinary. This might be true for many other young adults but the realization will come one day and when it happens it will truly make an individual hold strong to the values or shift away from them entirely. An article on Access Jesus states, “Core Christian values include hope, righteousness, love, and putting God first in our lives (humility, godliness, and so on).” These core values are provided not only by our parents which were mentioned above but also by a sturdy Church upbringing which is difficult to obtain if your family chooses to avoid it. …show more content…

Often when someone holds a very different value on a subject it is easy to argue yours because obviously you think it is right. This isn’t becoming of Christians and it definitely is going to make the individual you are trying to convince very uncomfortable. I think it is definitely important to hold strong values for what we perceive to be right and wrong but it is also important to be a part of the world. By putting ourselves in different groups that might seem uncomfortable we can have a positive influence on others and made larger impact in the

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