Contraceptives Should Be Taught In Schools

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No matter how many times someone tells a teen to not have sex, they will not listen, it's inevitable. There's a very high rate of teens in the U.S. that end up pregnant before the age of 20. Instead of lecturing teens, which obviously doesn't work for most, why not help them? Help them by providing them with necessary tools to prevent those consequences. Encourage and provide contraceptives to teens and prevent unwanted pregnancies and STDs.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics “New evidence points to the media adolescents use frequently (television, music, movies, magazines, and the Internet) as important factors in the initiation of sexual intercourse.” Many movies show teenage characters on their goal to lose their …show more content…

A poll made by showed responses from people who oppose giving teens contraceptives. One person said, “School is for learning and education not about telling kids about sex. That is the parent's job. If they give kids condoms that's basicly telling kids it's ok to have sex and it's not ok.”
“When schools that make condoms available to students are compared to similar schools that do not, it becomes clear that students who have access to condoms do not have more sex, but they are more likely to use condoms” (Martha …show more content…

Because of this attitude toward abstinence and against contraception use, these religious cultures could be leading more teens toward unsafe sexual practices indicating the link between teenage pregnancy and religion” (msnbc). Many teens from religious states get pregnant because of their religious beliefs. Using contraceptives is against the bible because it's basically like aborting. However, these religious beliefs could puts teen’s healths at risk of lifelong

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