Consensus Model Of APRN Essay

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The Consensus Model for APRNs “defines APRN practice, describes the APRN regulatory model, identifies the titles to be used, defines specialty, describes the emergence of new roles and population foci, and presents strategies for implementation” (APRN, 2008, p.5). The model set standards nationally to ensure patient safety and competent care. The Consensus Model for APRN was created duly in part to the lack of uniform model of regulations of APRNs across all states (APRN, 2008). The scope of practice, recognized roles, educational criteria, and certification for competency were governed individually by states and varied among states. This variability created difficulties for APRNs to move from state to state to practice (APRN, 2008). The designated APRN roles are CNM, CNS, CNP, and CRNA. There are 6 population foci which the APRNs to care for are: (1) family/individual across lifespan, (2) adult-gerontology, (3) neonatal, (4) pediatrics, (5) women’s health/gender-related, and (6) psychiatric-mental health (APRN, 2008). …show more content…

Licensure grants the authority for the APRN to practice in the population foci (APRN, 2008). Accreditation is a formal review of a nursing program approved by a recognized nursing agency (APRN, 2008). Certification is a formal recognition of knowledge, skills and education that is demonstrated by set standards identified by profession (APRN, 2009) Lastly, education is the formal preparation of APRNs for graduate or post-graduate program (APRN,

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