Cons Of Listening To Music While Studying

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1.0 Introduction
This report is about whether music can help to improve people’s studies.
Research has proved that listening to music while studying can help people to calm their mind and reduce stress, helps to increase productivity when doing mundane work and lastly stimulate creativity. However, it is also proven that listening to music while studying can affect our ability to memorise facts.
This report covers the pros and cons of listening to music while studying and the most suitable types of music to listen to.
2.1. How does music help us to calm down and relieve stress?
Music, especially for classical music which is slow and soothing, makes our mind feel extremely relaxing and peaceful. This can in turn decrease the rate of our
In the a study, it showed that participants who listened to sedative music repeated numbers backwards more easily as compared to participants who listened to simulative music . Hence stimulative music causes more distraction then sedative music and thus affecting studying experience.
3.2 What is the best type of music to listen to while studying? Listening to the correct genre of music when studying can improve, says Spotify, a music streaming service. Students who listen to classical music while they study do better on Math exams.
Spotify appointed Clinical Psychologist Dr. Emma Gray, to do a research on whether listening to music while studying has impact. After thorough research, it was proven that picking the correct music for the topic you’re studying is important as the correct music can definitely increase our concentration and stimulate us to learn.
Students who listen to classical music with 60-70 beats per minute while they study score on average 12% higher on their Math exams, results showed.Listening to classical music, which has suitable melody and tone range while studying, for example in Beethoven’s Fur Elise, is able to help students study for longer period of time and at the same time absorb more

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