Confidentiality In Special Education

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Confidentiality is a pivotal component of special education. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act establishes many laws for confidentiality. Parent consent must be obtained before a school to release information to any party outside of the school (Yell, 2012). When looking at the soccer scenario it is important to keep the laws in mind (Ashbaker & Morgan, 2013, p.175). The paraeducator would feel comfortable to disclose information to her sister-in-law because she is a relative. Many people are very comfortable with disclosing confidential information to a relative or other loved one. I find that this can be very risky when looking at the location in where I live. The village has a population of about 700 people. Due to this fact it is …show more content…

I would have the paraeducator write the conversation down and file it with any similar occurrences. My recommendations for the paraeducator is to first state, “I do not know what happened” or “I did not know that happened”. It is best for the paraeducator to not discuss the situation at all. If the sister-in-law continues state, “I really cannot talk about it”. In addition, I would recommend the paraeducator suggest her/his sister-in-law talk to the math teacher or principal, if she is still concerned after their conversation. I find it best for the paraeducator not to get involved in the gossip about school. It is better to redirect the person to a school personnel who will know what to say to calm a concerned parent. In addition, I suggest the paraeducators but themselves in the shoes of the parents of their students. How would you feel if a parent heard what you told your sister-in-law, husband, or brother? Would you say this to the

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