Asca Ethical Standards

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It is important for school counselors to serve parents and also protect the needs of the child. According to the Ethical Standards for School Counselors, school counselors are to have a primary obligation to the students who are to be treated with dignity and respect as unique individuals. Professional school counselors are concerned with the educational, academic, career, personal, and social needs and encouraging the maximum development of every student. Professional school counselors should maintain confidential relationships with students in counseling situations but must understand the limits of confidentiality and recognize the parent as the primary decision maker in a child’s life (ASCA, 2010). The article by Julie Koch points out that the ASCA Ethical Standards also advises counselors to avoid dual relationships that might impair objectivity and increase harm to students. Informed consent, consultation, supervision, and documentation are actions that can be taken to reduce or eliminate the potential for harm (Koch). I agree entirely with the …show more content…

She has dropped in twice unannounced to discuss her concerns with her son. Both times I had to be careful to be clear that my loyalty has to focus on her son and that I cannot breach confidentiality with him. Today, however, she began talking about concerns she had for her daughter. As her son’s counselor, I felt a duty to make a referral for his sister, both because I am not qualified to offer therapy-based advice and because the referral would be for the good of the whole family. I contacted the counselor of the building where the daughter attends and asked the counselor to meet with the parent to make the referral for outside counseling. Parents must feel like they can trust the counselor and will be told if something is necessary to know but must also understand the loyalty a school counselor has to the students

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