Confederate Flag Research Paper

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The Confederate flag should fly on state building Should the Confederate flag fly on state buildings or not? If the flag does not defend most of the Americans, then it should be able to fly on state buildings. The flag has a meaning, the flag was the battle flag of the confederacy. The flag was also the battle flag of general Robert.E.Lee in Virginia. The K.K.K. had nothing to do with Confederate flag. The K.K.K used the American flag for their rallies. The K.K.K. would kill or severely injure blacks for no reason. The K.K.K would wear white masks and a white dress with a red and white badge on it. (Bruzgulis) Some people do not know the true meaning of the Confederate flag, the flag is a battle flag of the Confederacy and Virginia. Five southern states have a law protecting the flag. For some people the flag is south heritage. For others, it is linked to the Confederate war memorial, which sits next to the Confederate fallen soldiers. The meaning of the Confederate flag the flag was actually a battle flag of the Confederacy and the conference were fighting for slavery. The flag also was the battle flag of general Robert.E.Lee of the Virginia army. But supporters of the flag say they see it as a memorial to the slain Confederate soldiers (“What does the Confederate flag…”). …show more content…

The K.K.K used the American flag never the Confederate flag.The flag has more meaning to other people more than others. Virginia thinks of the flag as their history and so does the south. The majority of people have no reaction to the flag, therefore it should be aloud to be on state buildings. If the flag does not defend most of the Americans, then it should be able to fly on state buildings. The flag is seen as a racial but it is heritage of the south and the north. The Confederate flag is actually a battle

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