What Is Compassion Essay

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Too often we underestimate the power of a kind word, the embrace of a hug, the warmth of a smile, the open-minded listening ear, a simple compliment, or a humble act of compassion. Too often we underestimate the potential we hold within us to turn a life around. Compassion is the ultimate expression of one’s highest self. Is compassion nearly as difficult as some portray? The compassionate heart is as natural as flowers blossoming on a warm and bright summer day. Compassion flows through our hearts exactly as the warmth of hot chocolate streaming through our bodies on a frosty winter night. That same warmth that is felt when drinking hot chocolate, is felt when compassion is radiated onto someone in need. Love and compassion play hand in hand, you do not possess one without the other. The compassionate heart is one filled with love, joy, passion, and grace; yet also comes with a price. Even though compassion comes with a price, compassion has the magic to heal sorrow. The journey through my twenty years of life has tested my boundaries. I have been faced with my cruelest battles and I have stood my ground. Life throws curve balls …show more content…

Logan was a high school student and seemed to have a good life, or so I thought. One day, I walked into his house to hear a high-pitched scream in the basement. Out of his room ran his little sister Rachel. At the time, Rachel was only a sixth-grader. I was certainly confused and decided to run back out of the front door. Logan had committed suicide that day and I missed all of the warning signs. After that terrifying and tragic day, I decided I needed to be a person everyone could confide in. If I would have noticed Logan was walking through life with that invisible mask, maybe I could have made the difference in his life. Just maybe if someone had noticed his suffering, Logan would be here today. In life, there is no “what ifs” but there is the chance of saving the next

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