Maturity In College Essay

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The biggest determinate for an individual to ether go to a university or community college should be, maturity. Maturity has many facets to it, performance level which is what most schools look for, but as well, discipline and accountability are some additional important traits. I can best speak from my own experiences as an “adult learner,” what kept me back for so long was my own immaturity. I had the mental capacity for school and the potential to be a great student I just was not ready for it until I was much older than most of my contemporaries. My only option out of high school was community college, not because of my grades, but rather my behavior. In that maturity, what I was severely missing was discipline. While my family likes to say I grew out of having ADD, I think I just grew up. I had parents that demanded no bed time, and enforced no curfew, home work was never asked about or checked. Being given adult responsibilities at too young an age, backfired in ways that in reality it took me longer to be an adult. While I mostly blamed my finances for my wanting to, but not attending college, I always knew that had I went any sooner than I did, I would have over sleep for most of it and only be half invested. With my time and my experiences came a maturity, responsibility, and the discipline I knew I needed not only to …show more content…

I agree that there should be a base knowledge students acquire before entering higher level classes (Cohen & Kisker, 2010). There is a distaste difference between being in a class where everyone has read the book, compared to when most have not. Further more, I support this old idea that “colleges [provide] a public service, [by] brining the young to maturity (Cohen & Kisker, 2010, p. 98). There needs to be a place for those who have already reached the appropriate level to go and continue with their learning, as well as a place for me to go and catch up with

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