Comparison Of Destruction In Jane Austen's 'Pride And Prejudice'

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{Destruction. / destroy. / dismantle. /break up. /} -But Elizabeth was not formed for ill-humour; and though every prospect of her own was destroyed for the evening, it could not dwell long on her spirits. {Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice} (To render ineffective or useless/nullified/ neutralized/ invalidated/ cancelled/ overturned/ annulled/ reversed/ quashed/ counteracted/ offset/ unsuccessful/ hopeless/ fruitless) -There, in the world of the mechanical greedy, greedy mechanism and mechanized greed, sparkling with lights, gushing hot metal, and roaring with traffic, there lay the vast evil thing, ready to destroy whatever did not conform. Soon it would destroy the wood, and the bluebells would spring no more. All vulnerable things must …show more content…

(Meet with disaster/ be ruined/ destroyed/ killed / Collapsed/ are in tatters/ in vain/ futile/ torpedoed/ ruined/ wrecked/ destroyed/ went pear-shaped/ went phut/ crashed/ flopped/ nose-dived/ turn to ashes in one’s mouth/ bang goes that: a plan or hope is suddenly or completely destroyed {Oxford Dictionary}) -The event marked the dissolution of the monastery. (Decomposition into fragments or parts; disintegration {Farlex} closure/ disbanding/ termination/ ending/ suspension/ conclusion/collapse /extinction/ end) -A spendthrift grows more extravagant until the final dissipation of his property. (Breaking up and scattering by dispersion/ until he loses everything/dispersal/ disintegration/ collapse/ destruction/ forfeiture/ foreclosure/ loss/ demise/ expiry/ end/ termination/ failure/ ruin/ downfall/ comes a cropper) ~ They had no choice but to foreclose on the house. -They’ll shoot me down in flames if I say that. (Forcefully destroy an argument or proposal/ blast/ censure/ criticise savagely/ attack/ assail/ assault/ chastise/ vilify/ rebuke/ lose their temper with me/tear into me/ eviscerate me/ nail me to the cross/ with both barrels= with unrestrained force {Oxford Dictionary}/ Have me for breakfast: deal with or defeat someone with contemptuous ease {Oxford

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