Comparing Schindler's List And The Holocaust

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During World War II, German forces pushed all Polish Jews from Krakow into the local ghetto that was already full with Polish Jews. Schindler’s List shows how a member of the Nazi Party, Oskar Schindler, saves Jews from the Krakow Ghetto and many others by opening an enamelware factory and bribing German officials. Schindler hires a Jewish official named Itzhak Stern to help him run the factory and manage finances. Eventually, the factory is up and running, but the Krakow Ghetto was ordered to be emptied, a process in which many Jews were killed. Schindler watches this massacre from a distant mountain and realizes that he wants to save Jews with his factory instead of focusing on making a profit. The man in charge of the concentration camp …show more content…

One small difference that lowered the film’s accurateness was how long the women who were accidentally shipped to Auschwitz stayed there. In Schindler’s List, the women seemed to be transferred to their rightful destination within the same day or at most, a few days because Oskar Schindler raced to Auschwitz in order to save them. In reality, the women spent a few months at Auschwitz before being transported to Schindler’s factory. Mr. Schindler and the official at Auschwitz had a long, heated debate about sending the same women or “fresh” women to Schindler’s factory. In the end, Schindler won and was reunited with his original …show more content…

I was in a state of shock for most of the film because of the horrible ways the Jews were treated and murdered. I know that I can never truly understand what it was like for them, but it is clear that they were treated as though they had less value than animals. The film was presented in such a way that was very brutal, but straight forward which helped get an emotional reaction out of its viewers. I thought that because the film was straight forward, it appeared to be more accurate, understandable, and

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