Comparing Rhetoric And Pain Behind Antony's Speech In Julius Caesar

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The speech that Antony gave was more effective than the speech Brutus gave. Antony’s speech had emotion behind it, while Brutus’ did not. Both speeches use rhetoric successfully, but it is the emotion and pain behind Antony’s speech that gives it the extra persuasion. In his speech, Brutus tells the citizens of Rome that he did not kill Caesar out of hatred. In fact, they were friends and Brutus loved him. In Act III Scene 2 Brutus says, “If there be any in this assembly, any dear friend of Caesar’s, to him I say that Brutus’ love was no less than his”(ln 16-18). Also he says, “Not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more” (ln 20.) Brutus is very generous and noble; he wanted the best for the people of Rome, and he makes that evident

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