Comparing Nabokov's Natasha, Wolfe, And Khrenov

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Natasha, Wolfe, and Khrenov have colorful dreams of distant lands. Nabokov wrote Natasha in 1924, a few years after the Russian Revolution. The Bolsheviks took control over Russia after the revolution and many of the rich were exiled or faced death. Natasha and her father could have been past nobility that was exiled to live in another country. The forced exile of the Khrenov family gives a purpose to the dreams they have. Khrenov remembers the village they lived in and the sawdust that covered the bridge. Khrenov also has nightmarish dreams where he sees a barrel of a gun pointed at him in his sleep. The dream with the gun could be a memory from his past when the police may have forced him and Natasha out of their old home. Wolfe’s dreams

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