Comparing Islam And Christianity: Islam Vs. Christianity

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Islam and Christianity are two of the largest religions that are practiced in the world. They are characterized by their beliefs and practices. These doctrines both have similarities that interlock, and differences that separate them. Learning about these faiths from a historical perspective allows people and myself to be knowledgeable of these religions, and its modern day members. It allows me to evaluate my shallow view of certain religions and interact without misinformed prejudice. The news corrupts people’s perspectives on certain religious views and creates stigma’s. By having this historical knowledge, I prevent claims of hate towards members of that particular faith. Having a basic understanding of historical …show more content…

The concept of the Holy Trinity was one of them. The Christian faith states that God came in three different configurations. That he appeared as the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Christianity also uses the word “Father” which is referred to God. This doctrine is taught using the Bible, which is known as the Word of God. This collection of holy scriptures was written by man. Christians also believe that Jesus died on the cross for their sins. Futhermore, the Islamic faith rejects these beliefs. Muslims believe that Jesus was a human prophet that was sent by God. That he was not divine, special or have any ability to perform such miracles. Also, that Jesus did not die on the cross but that God made it look that way. Islamic religion also refers to the Quran, which is their sacred text. In Islam, the Quran is considered to be received completely unmediated, without any input from man. This book states that there is only one God referred to as Allah, which is the one and only creator of the universe. This idea is expressed in the Quran, “Say not "trinity", Desist. It will be better for you. For God is One God (4:171). Muslims argue that Christian scriptures became corrupt because it was not the literal word of …show more content…

The Islamic faith requires that Muslims must attend prayer five times a day, to perform ritual cleaning. Prayer is a duty that must be performed by every Muslim. If they do not attend, they shall face the wrath of God on judgment day. Every day, the call of prayer will play in the town, notifying people that they are being called to the mosque. The first call to prayer starts around 4 am and the last finishes around 8:30 pm. These followers believe that God never communicates with mankind directly. Muslims hope to be heard by their god, but do not expect it. These teachings differ from what Christians believe about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Bible refers to God as “living.” Therefore, the spirit is everywhere, and can be communicated by people at any time. There is also no specific ritual to prayer amongst Christianity. Christians are expected to pray often, and God will reward them. Instead of attending prayer every day, Sunday is signified as the main day of worship. Where people attend church, and have a religious

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