Compare And Contrast The French And Indian War

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2.) The French and Indian war was a tough war for Britain to win. With the war being fought overseas to protect their American colonies the British empire spread themselves thin. They have a huge national debt that they had to get rid of. The policies that were created in the colonies was to help crush the national debt. The British empire started taxing the colonist at an all time high. This was the time when the Sugar act, the Quartering Act, and the Stamp act came into effect. Britain felt that the colonist had to pay for the protection that they British gave them. The quartering act was to help keep more soldiers in the colonies to protect them from the Indians. It helped keep costs low for the empire to house soldiers in the colonies The Sugar was a tax specifically on molasses which enforced the law created in 1733. The stamp act was a tax on any printed item. This raise in taxes was all in an effort to reduce the debt from the French and Indian war. …show more content…

With these tax policies put into place there was a backlash from the colonists. The British tried to change the policy, they set in place after the colonists started to boycott goods being brought from Britain to the colonies. The British tried to enforce laws onto the colonists as Britain felt the colonies had to pay for the war Britain had just won. They brought more solider to enforce these laws. The boycott was the most effect thing the colonist did to stop the taxes and policies being pushed onto them. It was so effective that parliament even repealed the act. Britain never stopped trying to enforce their policies which led to the Boston massacre and ultimately the American

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