Compare And Contrast Essay On The American Revolution

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American Revolution The American Revolution was a conflict that arose from growing tensions between Great Britain and the Thirteen North American colonies. It was a long bloody war and one of the most well-known, and because of that it has many interpretations, and these interpretations have made it a challenge to be able to come to a single understanding of the war. In this week’s readings, two different views on the same war are given. The American Yawp describes the American colonies point of view on the revolution while the History Lesson discusses how British wanted to control America but instead drove them to rebel and fight for their independence. The colonists saw the war for their independence as a revolution, but through British eyes, events and people were, not surprisingly, seen quite differently. In the History Lesson, the British felt the Colonies were indebted to them and should be more appreciative and they believed that the colonies were meant to be ruled by Britain (Heater, 46-54). So, when the colonies rebelled it made them seem ungrateful, and as if the war was the colonist fault. In The American Yawp, the colonist saw themselves as “British Subjects”, they thought that paying the debt of the British government …show more content…

It depends on the material that is read and who is asked. Stanley Weintraub discusses, in his book Iron Tears, American Revolution from the British perspective and explains that the colonist complained to much about too little and instead they should have been trying to protect Great Britain. Everyone has their own point of views in this world it is hard to be able to come to a single understanding especially with a subject like the American Revolution. One thing is clear though, the American Revolution was going to happen, in all the interpretations that were read the American colonies no longer wanted to be under the rule of the British Government they were ready to become

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