Communication In Community Policing

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Communication is very important in pulling levers as well as in community policing. The communication here can be used more in a threatening way like warning gang members that if they commit violence they will be targeted (Braga & Weisburd, 2006), this works well with the help of community leaders like ministers and mothers who have lost their children to gang violence. Also the targeted criminals could be given benefits if they stop offending and have the ability to meet the police who will present the evidence they have against them.
Evidence based policing In some cities, there have been crackdowns and zero tolerance policy strategies. These must be done hard enough and long enough for the people to notice they won't get away with doing …show more content…

If law enforcement does not find a way to change this for the kids growing up they are going to have to keep dealing with conflict from communities especially the minority communities. Community policing has shown to improve African american Latinos, and whites views on policy effectiveness demeanor and responsiveness in some cities (Skogan & Steiner, 2004). This brings minorities and police closer and can improve relations. When communities have high crime rates most citizens do want heightened levels of enforcement, but along with the police being fair and respectful in their tactics (Tyler, 2004), this is a strategy that can be promoted by community policing and is a way to combat crime along with improving quality of life. Innovations of policing came because studies, like the Kansas CIty experiment that showed that traditional policing really didn't work. The majority of policing has been and still is police patrols which are random and don't really bring down the crime rate or make people feel safer. Also policies like the War on Drugs had made police community relations worse for many minority communities (Scott, 2015). Without police using research they could be doing more harm than good, even though they have good intentions of the …show more content…

CHEERS, which is Community affected, harm is caused, expectations of police reasonable, events are discrete and describable, recurring nature of events, similarity among event is a good explaination of problem oriented policing (Scott, 2015). This defines which problems of the community problem oriented policing tries to target. Problems could be defined by the behavior such as drugs, or by persons such as the gangbangers, or by location, such as a bar or a house, or by the time such as rush hour traffic problems, or a hybrid problem such as teenagers, at night on the weekends at a certain house. Community policing done right could know the scope of these issues and would be able to target these problems fro the information given to them by the

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