Communication And Aggression Analysis

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This study was completed in 2013. This is a very interesting finding since this is showing the publication date of 2013. This court hearing happened in 1993. Individuals would believe that this type of racism would have diminish, however, it seems to have been gotten worse. The presidential candidate for the republican party, Donald Trump, has came up with slogan, “Make American great again.” This individual has talked about racism in majority of his presidential rallies. He talks about throwing individuals out of the country because that race is lazy and so fourth. I believe this type of situation regards to the St. Mary’s hearing since this individual was not given the proper identification need to complete his job. Another important aspect for this individual is going to be aggression. Aggression is going to be a type of characteristics that most individual will face some day or later. This type of characteristics can happen outside of work or it can be stress related to work. The author Sekhon (2013) states the combined result of these stressors may be detrimental effects to physical and mental …show more content…

I would have argued the fact that maybe different types of stresses were influencing his decision, which in turn, caused him to miss communicate with his co workers. Communication is going to be extremely important for individuals in the work place. Bad communication is going to be essential, if not, it will lead to aggressive behaviors. I believe this was trying to be proven when the judge asked for evidence of the racism or aggressive behaviors. A lot of aggressive behaviors happen all the time in a work place. Some aggressive behaviors are going to be document while others are going to be unheard. A good example of this aggressive behaviors and horrible management is going to involve the company I am currently working for, Griffis Blessing Property

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