Colorado Youth Matter: The Most Important Achievement In My Life

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One great achievement in my life was when I was a member of Colorado Youth Matter. I was a council member with nine other teenagers and young adults. This was a diverse group ranging in ages and ethnicity. Colorado Youth Matter (CYM) is an organisation that engages Colorado communities to promote the healthy sexual development of all young people. As this program made me view new perspective on topics and being able to get out of my shell that I have been since I could remember. CYM was a tremendous support of making the person I am today. This experience made me open up because I have always been shy and would constantly have anxiety when presenting a school project. When this opportunity came up, I felt that this would be my chance to face my fear. At first, I felt that I had made the wrong decision, thinking that it would be too much for me. On the contrary, it empowered me, the coordinator along with other council members, helped me with my opportunities. I felt comfortable within weeks to talk about the topics that were related to youth sexual health in the …show more content…

Thus, the most valuable thing I learn was not facts or how doing something, it was what I learned about myself. I learned that I am capable of being a strong member of the council. I have also gained confidence, something that I thought I would never achieve, I thought I would always be shy and afraid. All my life I have been reserved, CYM made me grow as a person and sincerely made me open minded. Every month I went to a meeting I grew confidence, being able to give my voice on perspectives, I felt that I was finally conveying my truth in the council, as well as outside the meetings. Furthermore, I was able to share my thoughts and believes orally and share them with others. Equally, I learned to listen to others along with respect their own opinion because there are billions of heads in this world and millions of

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