Colombia Compare And Contrast

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Comparing and Contrasting the USA and Colombia There are many different things about Colombia and the US, but also there are similar things about the two countries too. Have you ever heard of the musician Oreste Sindici? Oreste Sindici wrote “¡Oh Gloria Inmarcesible!” which translates to Oh Unfading Glory. “¡Oh Gloria Inmarcesible!” is the Colombian national anthem. The U.S. national anthem was written by Francis Scott Key. The US national anthem is called “The Star Spangled Banner”. There are different and similar traditions in the U.S. and Colombia as well. Those may include meals, how the holidays are celebrated, and what the sports are that are played in the countries. If you were to go to Colombia for breakfast you would most …show more content…

Another food is stuffed turkey and roasted stuffed pig. During Miranda(a event where a pig gets fried) a Christmas party in thrown with family, friends and neighbors. Also, families decorate Christmas trees. On Candle day, which is December 7th, candles are lit in window sills and and in streets to celebrate December. Most of these candles are red and blue. On the 16th of December families, neighbors and friends pray for 9 days. Santa does not exist in Colombia, instead Jesus gives them presents. A way that children hope to get presents is on the day before Christmas Eve, children write notes to baby Jesus and put these notes in the pesebre (nativity). These notes also can be called Carta Niño Dios. On Christmas, which is the 25th, they eat leftovers from Christmas Eve. On Christmas people in the U.S. eat ham, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, ham, stuffing and bread. In the U.S. people decorate Christmas trees with ornaments and lights. Families also hang stockings above fireplaces, bed posts, stair cases, window sills, door knobs and other places. Also, some children leave out cookies for Santa, they also write letters to him. It is believed that Santa Claus eats cookies that are left out for him, and he leaves presents under the Christmas trees for all the good boys and girls, and if you don’t be nice you get coal in your stocking instead of candy. Also, a tradition that started in 2005 is Elves

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