College Writing Reflection

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I think college writing one was very beneficial for me in writing papers. I have had a hard time with writing papers in the past years. I have always had a hard time with making long sentences, and using better word choices. Also I struggled with making sentences flow smooth, and most of my sentences didn't make sense. However, with editing my papers out loud helped me create a smooth sentence. These are a few things I knew I had a time with going into college writing one. I was hoping I could practice and learn more on how to write an effective paper as best as I could. I will just be reflecting on the four papers I wrote in my college writing class this year. My first paper of the semester was a literacy narrative about myself. I thought …show more content…

This type of paper was kind of challenging for me because I had to read this story a few times before understanding it. I had to read it so many times so I could figure out what Smith message was from what he was writing. It was hard for me because I couldn't say what I thought about what he said I had to explain on what Smith said. I used some small words and the tense was missing. Also I should have explain what Smith was trying to say better. On this paper I received a 83%. I think I would of done better if I elaborated more and used bigger words and the tense of the …show more content…

I thought this was a very hard paper for me to write. I picked this topic because I had strong opinion on it however I needed sources to support my options. The organizing handout helped me organize my argument into three categories, supporting points, opposing points, and support to refute the opposition. I had a hard time finding sources to support my details. I know I could of search it on google but I wanted to find reliable sources. I think out of all four papers this was the hardest one for me. I think I learned how to find reliable sources and help you feed off of what you

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