College Admissions Essay: The Person I Am Today

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What makes me the person I am you ask? My family and ministers are the people who have helped me become the person I am today. Without ministers or more specifically my parents I would not be where I am today. One question people always ask is “How do you manage to do it? Or “How do you just let go of the past like that and move on so easy” My answer simply is “I just do.” Life is not always an easy ride, it comes with a lot of failure, successes and even lessons that are to be learned. During my nineteen years of life my parents have taught me how to care, how to love and most importantly how to be a godly woman. A woman who helps other people in need, but also a woman who has daily struggles just like everyone else. The real question is how did I become the woman I am today? Some things that have helped shape me along the way would be letting go of the past, knowing my worth, and most importantly prayer. …show more content…

I have always grown up in a Pentecostal church since I born so I knew roughly how everything worked. My parents are very involved in church from being youth pastors to church board members so I grew up beyond blessed. Every year, they would send me to youth camp along with other teens in our church, in which I absolutely loved to go. I learned so much during the weeks I was there and it really taught me how I wanted to live for Christ and how I wanted others to see who I really was. While it was still hard for me to bear with the fact that I knew I had a calling on my life, but I didn’t know when, where, why and how it would all conspire and happen at that moment. But, a year ago youth camp changed everything for

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