College Admissions Essay: The Meaning Of My Calling

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I have wrestled with what my calling is for some time. I have never really been confident in decisions and I have done a fair amount of reading on the topic of calling. I was certain of what I did like and what my gifts were, but I think I approached it the wrong way at first. I often doubt myself and become restless when things do not go the way that I had anticipated. Recognizing that my calling, purpose or job in whichever point in life is not to have it all figured out or to be comfortable, our calling is to allow God to work in us right where we are. After doing research and reading I believe that our calling is where our gifts and our passions lie. Our calling should be something that gets us excited. God gives all of our student’s unique gifts, and these gifts were given to be used! Our calling is more than simply a career or a job, it is greater than that. Calling has to do with where our passions and gifts lie and where God has placed …show more content…

Others of us might be called to be a teacher, teachers have a big responsibility, and teachers have the responsibility and the opportunity to be examples that children look up to. Teachers have the responsibility to guide students in the way that they should go. James 3:1 says, “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” In many ways education prepare students for their future career, thus the teachers job to help guide the student develop their gifts and encourage their interests to find their calling. This is a difficult job, there is no one size fits all program, children all have individualized needs, struggles and talents. There is typically only one teacher in the classroom whereas there are multiple students. The curriculum should help to develop students gifts and interests because in this way

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