Biblical Worldview Research Paper

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Worldview Paper
Part 1 Worldview is how you view certain views from a certain perspective, such as a Christian worldview would be how you view certain views from a Christian perspective. Everything in life is affected by worldview and everyone has one. As Christians, our worldview is using the Bible for our starting on our views. An example of a worldview is, according to the article “What is a Christian Worldview?”, “Christianity as taught in the Bible is itself a worldview.” 77 words.
Part 2
Every story that we have read has a beginning, a starting point. The question ‘how did life begin’ has different stories behind it depending on where you choose to read and research. It all comes down to what a person believes in their heart to be true. In Genesis 1.1, “In the …show more content…

A person truly has to have faith in the word of God to know what will happen to them when they die. Christians are taught that there are 2 endings in death, one is heaven and the other is hell. If a persona has lead a good Christian life, their reward will be to go to Heaven, if they have not they will be punished in Hell. It all comes down to what kind of person you choose to be in life as what will happen to you in death.

Part III The biblical worldview influences me in how I treat others on a daily basis in that I can always be kind and treat others respectfully the way that I want to be treated. I may not always know what a person is going through or has been through in their lives to make them do or say the wrong things but I can control how I respond to it. I want to live my life so that others look up to me and want to do the right things because they see how much of a difference it makes in my life. The biblical worldview influences me with deciding on what career would be best for me and how I should do it. Decision making is sometimes difficult for some people, unless they feel God has given them a “calling” in a certain career

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