Collectivist View Of Government Essay

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Our society as an entire hemisphere has been based on the ancient idea of democracy, and for democracy to work the citizens need to be involved. The source shows the opinion of someone that believes that citizens should not be involved in the government. In other words the source tells us that this person would like citizens to be unable to make crucial decisions and leave those jobs to the one’s that know what they are doing. The ideological perspective in this source is fascist because the opinion states that the government should have complete control while the citizens have little to none which is similar to fascism in the way that the citizens are not allowed to disagree with the government and the government would have complete authority over the people. The source therefore has a primarily collectivist perspective. The principles of liberalism that are implied are 3, 4, and 5. Principle #3 and 4 is implied because the source is sharing a view which is the opposite of what principle #3 and 4 expresses. Principle #5 is implied because it states that the government has a responsibility to the people in their most vulnerable state, while the source does not …show more content…

Without the people being involved nothing will be done for the sake of the farmers or families that would have no way to input their ideas. Our society is ever changing based on what the citizens think is right for to nation or community as a whole. Our government is based on the success that the ancient greeks had with how their democratic society worked. We found their new fangled idea of democracy was a brilliant idea and have been using it as a basis of our western society for centuries. The people had a say in what was going on in their community and for some reason we liked that idea, so by taking the people out of the government can we really call our society one that stands on the pillars of

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