Coffee Observations

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First Draft Coffee Talk It is an early Tuesday morning in late August. There is a slight pre fall chill in the air as the hustle and bustle of the work day for many is preparing to begin. I myself, as well as many others, begin theirs at the nearby Starbucks. Starbucks is a speech community with several different registers of language in one small section. This describes my experience. As I open the door and step inside the fast pace of the morning rush is underway. The smell of freshly brewed coffee is in the air and warms you like a fresh toasty blanket from the dryer. The most apparent sound I hear is a consultative register between the barista and customer at the counter. A customer is inquiring on the available brewed coffee in which put in her iced latte. “Tall, grande or venti?” The barista asked, getting the last details of the lady’s order before finally asking her name and writing the needed info on the cup that will soon house her Grande Blonde Iced Latte. As I approach the counter the barista asked “What can I get for you today?” A standard greeting I hear often while ordering my morning latte. Venti Salted Caramel Mocha I reply. My favorite drink, hot or frozen, depending on my mood. …show more content…

The Iced Latte Lady with her business causal dress, the gentleman behind me in his black dress slacks, blue dress shirt and tie. It appears the over all attire of the customer clientele this time of day is professionals heading off the work. There are a few exceptions of course. What appears to be a young high school or college age boy in khaki colored pants and a plaid button up shirt with a graphic t-shirt underneath sitting at a nearby table with his head barely visible behind his laptop. Also two casually dressed women sharing gossip in a casual language register over their morning cups of

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