Coca-Col Dr. John S. Pemberton

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Coca-Cola began in 1886, when Dr. John S. Pemberton, who at the time was a pharmacist, created a unique form of soft drink that could be sold at soda fountains. Dr. Pemberton’s partner and bookkeeper, Frank M. Robinson, is the person it can be said to have named the soft drink “Coca-Cola” as well as producing the trademarked, and the distinct script, which is still used today. He (he being Dr. John S. Pemberton) fought in the Civil War, and after this chapter of his life, he wanted to invent something that would allow him to have commercial success, as usually everything he had made had failed in pharmacies. Sadly, Dr. John S. Pemberton died 16 August 1888. Following his death, Asa Griggs Candler obtained control of the business. Through this, …show more content…

Coca-Cola believes that it is important to make a positive to the world we live in. Due to this thought, Coca-Cola chose to start by reducing the sugar in their drinks and to continue to launch new ones with added benefits. Coca-Cola also believes in working in order to reduce their environmental impact, whilst doing this Coca-Cola is also rewarding careers for their associates, which allows for there to be economic opportunities wherever they operate. So far, at this point in time Coca-Cola and its bottling partners have been able to hire more than 700,000 people all over the world. “The red and white Coca-Cola logo is recognized by 94% of the world’s population.” Not forgetting the fact that Coca-Cola is known as the world’s most valuable brand. In Mandarin, Coca-Cola means “Delicious

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