Coaching Process

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The 6 Cs of coaching process are clarify the agreement, create a partnership, collect and analyze data, construct a development plan, collaborate and challenge, and complete and celebrate (Kouzes, Posner, & Biech, 2010). Some tasks that are done during the clarify the agreement part include building a relationship with the leader, recognize whether the leader is ready for coaching, establish a coaching agreement, and determine whether you and the leader are a good match (2010). If there appears to be any “challenges” during this task I will use some of the ideas that were suggested by the authors they include observe the leader to determine whether they make small talk or get down to business, put your leader at ease by using their first name, showing interest in their needs and balancing discussion appropriately, exude self-confidence without being arrogant (2010). Bluckert (2006) states “Your challenge as a coach is to find out what it is that makes this client difficult for you. That said, there may be occasions when you simply don’t wish to take a client on. There may be little motivation or even downright hostility from the prospective client at the idea of being coached”. Some tasks that to be accomplish during the create a partnership include determining the needs of the leader to initiate and maintain the partner relationship, and model being a good partner. Being a good partner will involve being flexible and adjust to the preferred communication style, respect diverse background, refrain from “doing all the work” while the leader sits there, and be prepared to inspire and motivate during milestones and successes (2010). If the leader is not taking an active role in this partnership I would discuss with them the reason wh... ... middle of paper ... ...d at me I have just tuned them out which ultimately hurt the relationship between coach and leader because nothing will get done. This is similar to what Bluckert said about the delivery of the coaching for example he provides some tips and reminder such as being fully present, practical arrangements i.e. location of coaching, and the notion that the coach should care as much for the person as the results (2006). Works Cited Bluckert, P. (2006). Psychological Dimensions to Executive Coaching. Buckingham, Great Britain: Open University Press Graham – Leviss, K. (2011). Seven steps to coaching you employees to success. Retrieved from Kouzes, J.M., Posner, B.Z. & Biech, E. (2010). Developing exemplary leaders: Making the most of the leadership challenge and the leadership practices Inventory (LPI). Hoboken, NJ: Pfeiffer

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