Clinical Handover Essay

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The National Safety and quality Health Services (NSQHS) Standards (2012) has 10 standards to improve the health services in Australia in improving the quality of health services and delivering a safe care to the consumers and what is expected from the health system one of these is the National Clinical Handover Initiative was established under NSQHS Standards 6: Clinical Handover – the purpose of this is to improve communication between health practitioners through hand over in health care settings (ACSQHC,2010) .Clinical handover practice is recognised as an important factor in the effective transfer of patient clinical care between health clinicians ( Anderson et al,2015).
Clinical handover’s main role is to transmit relevant, accurate and current details of the patient’s treatment, health service needs, care, evaluation and clinical monitoring, and goal planning. Inadequate communication during clinical handover have been linked with irrelevant, repetitive or missing information, resulting to spending extensive …show more content…

It is also identified that the behavior’s of the team members towards change has a great impact on the success of the planned their willingness to perform the new tasks to improve the delivery of care within the system and to ameliorate (Improve) the operational effiecency of the healthcare organizations (Wright, 2002). The success of the change will also depend on the management leadership to influence the attitudes and behavioural changes that are essential to the success of change (Ojo,

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