Climate Change And Synthesis Essay

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Throughout human existence, ignorance and egos have been defining features, especially prevailing in times of crises; they prevent people from accepting blatant truths. Attributes that accompany these features have the capability to destroy our entire natural ecosystem. One increasingly threatening force that plagues our planet is climate change. Climate change is defined as “a long-term change in the Earth’s climate, or of a region on Earth”(Conway). The Earth has naturally warmed a small amount since the end of the last Ice Age, but recent years have seen an alarming change in weather and climate. Although we’ve known about humanity’s influence on the climate for many years, enough effective policies haven't been implemented to combat these …show more content…

According to multiple studies performed by multiple agencies, over 97% of climate scientists agree that human activity has almost certainly caused the Earth to warm at an exponential rate (NASA). After the Industrial Revolution, new industrial machines and factories were created, which began producing and pumping toxic pollutants into our atmosphere. Since then the amount of carbon dioxide admitted into the atmosphere has dramatically increased, especially within the last four decades. Although carbon dioxide is necessary component for life, too much of it could have dire consequences. Humans increased reliance on fossils fuels such as coal and oil for our daily activities, releases more carbon and, when combined with the oxygen in the air, creates the heat-trapping molecule carbon dioxide. One of the main issues with a considerable amount of carbon dioxide in the air is that “twenty percent of it will still exist in the atmosphere approximately 800 years from now” (Why does CO2 get the most attention). All of the fossil fuels consumed by humans in our lifetime will continue to negatively affect future generations; the gasses released will be in the air for years to come. Other harmful substances we produce on a daily basis, such as black carbon, methane, chlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons (Victor) are also heat-trapping elements. Like carbon dioxide, when large amounts of these substances are released into the atmosphere, they trap the sun’s heat, and thus, upset the Earth’s natural balance. Lifetimes worth of research performed by elite climate scientists continues to be undermined and ignored by greedy individuals and corporations attempting to further their own egotistical agendas. Earth’s natural biodiversity must be protected and preserved in order to guarantee its continued

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