Clemenceau's Determination to be Harsh on Germany

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Clemenceau's Determination to be Harsh on Germany

Clemenceau, the leader of France during the First World War, found

himself to be in a moral predicament during the time of the Treaty of

Versailles. On the one hand, he wished to be seen as a fair and just

leader, and yet on the other hand he wanted revenge, not just for

himself but for the people who had chosen him as their leader.

However, as a politician, he understood that the desires of his nation

could not be realised. Britain and America would not let Germany be

treated this harshly, but he had to be seen to be out for blood for

his continued office.

Thus Clemenceau was determined to be harsh on Germany at the Treaty of

Versailles. He felt this way because of a number of factors. The

first, and perhaps most obvious, is that of revenge. For almost four

years, France had been torn apart and ruined in the greatest war ever

in the history of the world. Much land had been lost or ruined, people

killed, economy wrecked. There was also a moral impact, as several

years of terrible war will do to a country. They wanted to make sure

Germany paid for, and acknowledged, the loss-in lives, land, money,

and morale-that they had caused them. France had been much more

involved in the war the Britain or America-which, when they got tired,

could retreat across the sea to their home country. The French could

not, as the fighting was happening in their home country.

There was also security. France wanted to make sure that if ever the

same situation arise in Germany, they could not attack again, with the

ensuing cost. To do this, they had to make sure Germany was

shattered-militarily, economically, and morally. Germany's army, air

force and navy had to be removed, or at least severely disabled. The

economy of Germany had to be ruined, by a large and unrealistic fine

or other payment. And the people of Germany, no matter how much they

were actually involved, had to realised what they had supposedly done,

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