Differences Between Louis Xiv And Peter The Great

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Louis XIV and Peter the great were absolute monarchs who created strong armies, and built strong central governments to obtain absolute power. Both absolute monarchs controlled the nobles and did several things to expand their land. Both rulers wanted to limit the power of the nobility and increase the power of monarchs in order to gain absolute power. Louis XIV and Peter had many goals in common and they also had some goals that were different. Even though they had similar goals, they both used different strategies and ways to achieve their goals. Louis XIV is considered the “perfect absolutist” and he has been said to have been one of the greatest rulers in France’s history. He came up with several different strategic plans to gain absolute …show more content…

Louis had a controller of general finances named Colbert, and he “reduced the annual treasury deficit by economies and more equitable, efficient taxation, although tax exemptions for the nobility, clergy, and some members of the bourgeoisie continued. Louis led many military attacks and wars to expand his territory and build up his economy. He started to tax the people and use this money to build palaces and other architectural structures. Louis added nobles to his army so they would not think that their power was declining. This also helped to strengthen his army and thus he led several military attacks to build his state. In the War of “Devolution (1667-1668) he claimed that those provinces had "devolved" by succession to his Spanish wife rather than to her half brother Charles II, who had inherited the Spanish crown.” By doing this, he received some valuable towns, and this helped to expand his territory. But Louis did not always win battles, there were a few times where his army was defeated. In 1683, Colbert died and several disasters happened thereafter. After several defeats, Louis XIV decided to settle down to a more “sedate

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