Classroom Observation Paper

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The class that I observed was a special education class. I chose to do this because I feel sometimes we as counselors lack the in support special education. So I wanted to be an outsider and a future counselor to observe to see what I know and what I can do. The staff that was present during this observation was Gerado Lara. I was observed that classroom for most of the day, from 9:10AM-2:00PM. In the classroom there were about 10 students all of the students had variety of special needs. There wasn’t a subject specifically being taught but Mr. Jerry was working with his student on his verbal and communication skills. My overall perception and feelings is that these kids need more help than just an aid or a teacher. They also needed …show more content…

As school counselor could help everyone out by helping the students and the students’ IEP team understand what the student’s needs and wants are along with the staff and parents. While observing the class I could see that Mr. Gerry does not have an easy job. The school itself did not have an easy job for the students that were in their special education class. I know everyone’s goals that worked in that class were to help the kid communication and verbal skills but it was hard doing that when the kids have other problems be on his control. The child that Mr. Jerry was working with had a problem of just grabbing anything he could see and anything in reach and find and put it in his mouth. He would run from Mr. Jerry and try to eat random things. Mr. Jerry was great with this behavior problem. While trying to fix this problem Mr. Jerry would also work with the kid and his communication skills. Every time the kid would find something or run somewhere to search high and low to try and eat something. Mr. Jerry would distract him with a number tactics such as conversations, or trying to have him earn his favorite toy or sometime in the classrooms’ play area. The first time Mr. Jerry attempted to talk to the student about something that he normally

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