Classroom Observation Paper

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A. Teacher discussed morning routine to students, reminded them of the classroom rules, went over birthday policy, and summer birthdays. The teacher is very respectful to the students and encourages the students to be respectful to each other.
B. The teacher has a classroom wheel that allows each student to have a weekly job for the classroom, as well as table jobs, and everyone at the table has something to be responsible for.
C. The teacher communicates effectively by making sure all students are listening. She will clap different claps and the class has to repeat the clap, she will say “EEHP”. The students know that the teacher wants eyes on her, ears listening, hands clasped in front of them, and pencils or anything in their hands placed …show more content…

5 m.) Observation area: A, B, C, D, E
A. The teacher is very respectful to the students and encourages the students to be respectful to each other.
B. The teacher has a classroom wheel that allows each student to have a weekly job for the classroom, as well as table jobs, and everyone at the table has something to be responsible for. She explained what each job was about and how the student is to do the job when it is their turn to do it for the week.
C. The teacher communicates effectively by making sure all students are listening. She will clap different claps and the class has to repeat the clap, she will say “EEHP”. The students know that the teacher wants eyes on her, ears listening, hands clasped in front of them, and pencils or anything in their hands placed down on the table. This is so she knows the students are ready to hear what she has to say so she will not have to repeat herself.
D. The teacher has planned her classroom with color codes. Above each table is a different color smiling face that color coordinates with folders students turn papers into, bins that have workbooks, baskets that have papers for students to get papers to pass out to their table

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