Eye Of The Storm Summary

577 Words2 Pages

Yaqi Zhang
CMHT 4750
Assignment #2
Assignment #2: Jane Elliot's "Eye of the Storm" Video
1. How did she divide her class for the project? Why?
She divided her class by eye colors which are blue eyes and brown eyes. She wanted these students to feel unfair treatment and learn about the prejudice/discrimination that could affect their life.
2. Please list at least 2 other ways she could have divided the class that would also have been effective for this project.
One way is to divide these students by gender. She could also divide these students by hair color. Foe example, dark hair color and light hair color.
3. Why did she decide to conduct the project?
According to the video, she thought that the children have to find out and be taught that prejudice and discrimination is wrong. Also, she wanted to let these children know that how it feels when discrimination and prejudice happened. She wanted her students to learn more outside from the textbook.
4. …show more content…

What were four of the comments that the "superior" group made during the first day of the project? Be specific. What did you think about these comments?
One student from the blue eyes group said “I felt like a king, like I ruled the browns eyes, like I was better than them, and happy”.
“Blue eyes go first for lunch”
“Alert people with collars go back”
“I am on the top”
These comments show that the students who have blue eyes feel like they have higher social statues than those with brown eyes. Also, these comments are great reflection that shows how easy children’s mind could be affected just because they have different eye colors.
5. What were four of the comments that the "less-superior" group made during the first day of the project? Be specific. What did you think about these comments?
“When we were down in the bottom and everything bad was happening on us”
“You felt like you don't even want to try to do anything”
“It makes you feel like taking our best friends away from

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