Christina Rossetti: Poetry and Devotion

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The Victorian England witnessed many developments ranging from the social to the literary fields. Literature being the very reflection of society since ages continued in the nineteenth century England also as the vehicle of expression. While the scientific advancement was the trend, there were many writers who sought a subjective involvement with life owing to the growth of uncertainty and doubts and took refuge from the religious domains. Poets like Matthew Arnold saw religion as the perfect hope for sustenance and apart from him, there were many other writers who made their say whether in the form of poetry or prose and contributed to the world literary domain. An effective woman voice of the period was Christian Georgina Rossetti. Rossetti was gifted with a great lyrical quality and belonging to the lineage of Italian art, she had an expertise with regard to the imagery and symbols. In addition to this, an important aspect that her art of poetry possessed was a devotional spirit. Rossetti was a woman of faith and her relationship with God was out of this world. The following paper will attempt at bringing into limelight the devotional fervour of her poetry and the way religion acted as a solace to her granting her and her work an extraordinary capacity to sustain through ages.

Born in the nineteenth century England, Christina Georgina Rossetti exists, even today, as one of the most influential women poets in the world literature. Rossetti was the youngest child in the family and had an exceptionally happy childhood with supportive parents and equally talented siblings. As an adult, however, she grew quite restrained in character. Her personality was influenced by religion to a very large extent and the importance of her fai...

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...reinforced the doctrine of Divine love and wanted every human being to realize the essence of existence which lay in adopting the path towards God. Her poetry contains an eternal appeal for those who want a space for the Real to come out. Those who feel weighed down by the worldly clutches can take refuge in Rossetti’s domain and emerge out blessed eternally.

Works Cited

Barua, Geeta. Christina Rossetti: Victorian Women Poet. Varanasi: Kaveri Publications, 1997.

Bowra, C M. “Christina Rossetti”, The Romantic Imagination. London: OUP, 1949.

Rickett, Compton. A History of English literature. London: Nelson,1953.

Robb, Nesca. Four in Exile. London: Hutchinson, 1948.

Rossetti, William. The Poetical Works of C G Rossetti. London: Macmillan, 1904.

Zaturenska, Marya. Christina Rossetti: a portrait with a background. New York: Macmillan, 1949.

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