Christian Realism Research Paper

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The Christian realist understands that evil exists as a result of man’s brokenness- each individual by nature is sinful and self-centered. If this is left unchecked, this brokenness will eventually resort to extreme behavior to secure their desire. This is the permanent struggle and the establishment of laws is to provide order in society by curtailing this selfish and detrimental behavior. In an approach to immigration, the Christian realist accepts the laws of the state as the best way to curtail this brokenness in man and uses this to justify a position of not supporting an open border. The regulation of the border is a way of providing man with the guidance which is needed to curtail his desire for self-centered goals. The need of the greater whole is what supersedes when faced with the choice between a nation’s stability and helping the stranger. Even Jesus’ vision of heaven is called ‘upside-down kingdom’ because how different it is from the way of man. Thus, the regulation of states in all issues, including immigration policy is important as left to the individual …show more content…

As argued by James Edwards, the bible recognizes a special obligation to one’s family, community, and nation (Romero 338) and therefore offers support for the position of the Christian realist on immigration policy- not only that man is broken and thus needs to guided, but nations have a special obligation to their citizens and thus, are morally obligated to fulfill this responsibility even at the expense of closing the door to others. This position offers a different perspective to another Christian approach to immigration policy endorsed by many including Pope Francis. Which of the two offer the better Christian perspective on the issue of having an open border to welcome the stranger? Am I not just my brother’s keeper? My brother being my

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