Christian Canon Research Paper

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The Christian Canon was very interesting to read about. Since I do not know too much about religion of any sort it taught me a lot. The term “canon” implies that it is like a rule of thumb or a standard to live by. The Christian Canon is a gathering of inspired scriptures and different religions have different canons. In Christianity the canon is a set of scriptures that are in the Bible and consist of 27 books that are in the New Testament. This set of scriptures aids the Christian people to live by those principles since they are the regulations of Christianity. If they defy, disregard, or show contempt for these principles, they will be ready face the consequences. The main source of canon law is God, whose will is demonstrated either by …show more content…

The only thing they had were the Oral Traditions of the Apostles. Written knowledge of the New Testament that were composed by one of the twelve apostles were authentic accounts that were eye witnessed by them. Even though Mark and Luke were not considered apostles they still provided definite specific data from those who had encountered and spoke with Jesus and were able to witness the miracles that he had done. Mark seems to have gotten his account straight from Peter. Luke seemed to have more information direct from the origin and the majority of his effort seemed to have been spoken to him from Paul, the Apostle. Although letters that were written of the New Testament were composed, the church did not differentiate whether the letters were to be considered Scripture or not until around the 4th century. The bishops were able to make a decision by determining if the letter in inquiry went along with the Oral Tradition passed on from the …show more content…

People still wrote down the words by oral tradition and even by a personal account and the Holy Spirit made sure that there was no discrepancy would put off the reader from the message that was intended. This is the way that I come to understand it at least. God allows for individuals to interpret in their own way but I think that if enough misinterpretation was included in the Scripture at the time, God would have amended the mistakes through his prophets similarly to how he did throughout Biblical times. The message is extremely important for us to get the reward of Salvation with reading the Bible and realizing we are all in one way or another sinners and seek forgiveness and reconciliation. These people told stories of Jesus because they wanted to keep his life and virtues alive. They wanted to preserve the truth in what he did convince people that were not true believers of the realistic theological accounts of the past. Through these accounts we are able to account for what is true and what is not and the historical evidence is available for whoever cares to see

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