Christian Anthropology

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As what I learn in this course, Christian anthropology is about the relationship between the nature of the human person in connection with his belief in God, the Father. Christian anthropology may have more in common with the understanding of the human person in other religious tradition. People might have different religious beliefs but I observed one thing, we all believe in God as christians. God is the creator of heaven and earth.

Soul and spirit are used interchangeably. The "soul" means a breathing creature, one in which life is present, whether physical life or mental life. It can refer to the whole person, whether physically alive or in the afterlife. The word "spirit" is used to denote something different. It is more on the belief. …show more content…

All people have a need to receive guidance so that we can continually grow in love for God and for one another, that we may be transformed into the likeness of God. We are all God’s followers. We believe in the Holy Trinity, the Father, son and Holy Spirit. The interpersonal relationships in the Holy Trinity are loving, free, dynamic, and supremely alive, not dead, static, or confining. Thus, leaders needs to be loving, dynamic, practical, and flexible enough to respect every person's dignity, uniqueness, and distinctive ways of being related to others. Like God the Father, the leader is called to provide a strong foundation enabling other persons to use their gifts in mutual service and collaboration. He or she has the task of establishing a framework in which all can freely and creatively share themselves with others in loving, dynamic interaction. We cooperate with God's loving will, even in part, it can be changed for the better. Instead of withholding what they possess leaders can share it, instead of excluding others they can include them, instead of pushing people down they can lift them upward, instead of creating barriers and distances they can create community. Followers also can and must work toward these goals. Then human communities can begin to be transfigured into the likeness of the Holy Trinity.

More than the factual knowledge about christian anthropology. I think what is more important to learn are the values of christian anthropology. First, I learned that we are created in the image of God. Second, I learned how the influence of believing in God affects our human freedom or the choices we make. Third, I learned that we are created by God to influence one another. These values are what I learned on this course. I believe that this values will help me as I continue my journey as a law

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