Childhood Obesity Argumentative Analysis

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2016 has been a year filled with various challenges that constitute as controversies. The most prominent include minimum wage, gun control, and the upcoming 2016 presidential election. With all of this in mind, there are communities of people all across the country that would benefit from solutions made towards the challenges that engulf our world today. Childhood obesity, especially in the Southern United States, is considered to be a crucial element in the detrimental effects of our current society. The desire to eat fast food on a regular basis, lack of regular exercise, and the dwindling of healthy eating are all contributions to a continual increase in childhood obesity. If our society as a whole continues on this path, childhood obesity will persistently surge. In order to rid our society of childhood obesity, a stance needs to be taken in educating children and …show more content…

By creating a more balanced lunch that schools are now required to serve, the amount of nutrients and calories that children are consuming are a beneficial amount. Along with the change of how school lunches look, the First Lady has also created a program called “Let’s Move!” to get children moving in the right direction when it comes to exercising on a continual basis. Nowadays, children are not getting as much exercise as what is necessary to maintain a balanced physique. The technological aspects of our current society have driven children to want to look into the everyday screens that encompass our lives (televisions and cell phones) instead of going outside to play. With a combination of a diet filled with unhealthy foods and a lack of exercise, childhood obesity has doubled for children in the last 30 years. By developing a plan that will help both children and parents learn about childhood obesity, an increase in promoting healthy choices will take

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