Child Protection Case Study

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Compare and Contrast two international or European policies On Child Protection

This assignment will be discussing child protection in Belgium and Jamaica

also will be comparing and contrasting policies a looking at the different ways in

Which both policies can be adapted for either country and whether each country

Can learn from each other.

The Belgium child protection laws work on the basis it a family problem if a child

is abuse and perceive it that all the family should be involved in the solution of

preventing it from happening, and look at the family background like is there a

breakdown within the family are the parents working and looks at single mothers as

a cause also in …show more content…

Belgium does not appear to comply with many of the policies on the rights of children

They do not have entitlement for legal representation in the justice system.

Their care-giver or parents have total control and ownership of the child the

belgium system does not offer the rights for the child to remain anonymous from the


Jamaica child protection laws are based on the rights of the children and that they

Should have a voice in what affects them , also a child should have the right to

develop to there full potential the Jamaica child’s development agency if a child has

reporting abuse this is deem a matter of confidentially and the child is placed within a

place of safety even thou the children development agency like to keep family

together and whether parents are not living together it there responsibility for the

welfare of the child. Their is no law for children in the constitution even thou if a

child is old enough to understand the situation the child development services will

take into account and assess the needs of the child and what type of relationship with

their family, therefore the child’s safety and needs are met. Jamaica’s

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