Child Abuse and Drug Addicted Babies

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Child abuse and drug addicted babies

“How many do you think get abused per day?”, what if I told you that more than three million children under the age of 18 die each day due to child abuse and neglect. People think that child abuse isn’t that big of a deal, but as facts say, child abuse is increasing do to the facts of the abused not getting the help they need and turning themselves into the abusers (Perry) (Muscogee County Sheriff's office). Drug addicted babies are also a big problem in the United States, not merely as many die but basically tortured and grow up to be at a poorer physical and mental standard. As they grow up, they are approximately average until the age of four and then from there on out they just start to deplete in their motor skills, they basically become mentally and physically stupid. (Kronstadt, 2013)

Child abuse can come in many shapes in forms. There are four different kinds of abuse that I will be encountering in my research paper; they are physical, mental, emotional, and neglect. Most abuse is from neglect and net from physical. The category under physical also brings in the sexual abuse. (Do Something) Drug addicted babies also can qualify under the category of emotional and mental category. Two of the main questions in this paper are what is child abuse and what are drug addicted babies lives like. It turns out that babies lives do get affected majorly after the age of four, we’ll learn more about that later though. (Kronstadt, 2013)

Why is child abuse so common you might ask. There are many answers, but the best one that research could come up with is that when the abused don’t get the help that they need to have, they more than often become the abuses and then when they abuse their chi...

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...icts never get help will they always stay the same? This is one of the most frequent questions that is in my research paper, but is it true. Research says that abusers and drug addicts will keep on doing to their children of what happened to them when they were little kids; unless they felt that their kids didn’t need that kind of treatment and started a new way of raising their children the way that most people would raise their children. Most times though, that is not the case and if they are to keep themselves from treating their kids the way they do, they need some serious mental therapy to get that instinct or habit out of their system.(Perry)

In the end, the research shows that child abuse and drug addicted babies statistics will keep increasing unless they get the serious mental help that they need to get that instinct of rasing kids out of their system.

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